

U Makarskoj tražimo ponovno otvaranje kina, a u Zagrebu ga zatvaraju.. E neće! No passaran !!!

(Makarska, 2017-04-18)


Potpisujem se jer sam sudionik filmske radionice odnedavno pa smatram da se ta radionica ne smije ukinuti.

(Zagreb, 2017-04-18)


A cinema is of great value and a necessity for every society. It is a neutral gathering spot for art and understanding of each other. If we want a world for progress, peace and participation - we can all communicate through art and actions! Save this cinema!

(Film consultant, 2017-04-18)


This cinema is critical for the cultural development of children and young people and also for the many opportunities it provides for filmmakers to share, discuss and continue to develop their practice. This cinema is an aspirational place and it's importance for the whole community is significant. In Australia we have lost too many cinemas and theatres such as this and everyone regrets it.

(Sydney, 2017-04-18)


Smatram da se grad treba fokusirati na jednu kinotečnu dvoranu, a ne rasipati novac na crkveni prostor

(jaska, 2017-04-19)


Zato što smatram da je Kino Tuškanac kulturna institucija.

(Karlovac, 2017-04-19)


Zato što ne želim da se Kino Tuškanac zatvroi, i zato što ne želim da Grad (ponovno) izlazi "u susret" Crkvi i plaća joj najam.

(zagreb, 2017-04-19)


I am signing, because the Kino Tuškanac since many years is a very special cultural hotspot in Zagreb with international reputation!
It takes long and it is by no way easy to achieve that status the Tuškanac has today, so it would be really unwise to now close this cultural flagship of Zagreb!!

(Third Man Museum, 2017-04-19)


Za kulturu grada Zagreba

(Zagreb, 2017-04-19)