NEHUMANI I OKRUTNI BOGOVI NEW AGEA - jedan od takvih svima poznat

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#8 australija speking

2014-10-21 23:08

He is a famous guru, revered all round the world.

But when he came to New Zealand to spread his message of peace and enlightenment at a yoga session in Wellington, he was confronted by an angry former disciple, followed closely by 3rd Degree reporter Sarah Hall.

It turns out there are women all round the world with complaints about Swami Maheshwarananda. The spiritual leader claims to be celibate but, if the women are to be believed, he is anything but.  

Watch the video for the full report.

* Yoga in Daily Life issued this statement in response to the story by 3rd Degree.


Miran Balenovic
Autor ove peticije

#25 Re: australija speking

2014-10-22 00:21:50

#8: kevin - australija speking 

 Here below the translation of the Primorske Novice article. The best bits are the declarations given by D.... and the association's board. Please enjoy!

(I have to post it split in a few parts - sorry it's too long)

A scandal of international magnitude is shaking the yoga association

A revolution in the kingdom of a guru

The XXXXX association is shaken by women's accusations declaring that their guru swAmi the big Orange Mr. M. - swAmi-ji has sexually abused them. Following the testimony of a woman from Koper that significantly contributed to the publication of similar testmonies from guru's disciples from different parts of the world, in March, many instructors and members of the Koper's association has stepped down.
Many important members of this international organisation are continuing to resign in other countries too, while the guru and his followers are saying that this is a conspiracy from some individuals that want to destroy their organisation.

Miran Balenovic
Autor ove peticije

#39 Re: australija speking

2014-10-22 01:58:21

#8: kevin - australija speking 

 GOOD NEWS  WIKIPEDIA- official  page on Swami Maheshwarananda has finally approved reports on sexual abuse. YIDL stuff is persistently  trying to remove them from wikipedia so we'll paste that section here if it is temporarily absent :